The Company Policy has been communicated by members to all employees, associates, and stakeholders via email.

The company pursues two primary goals:

Research and Development: born as an academic Spin Off, DocSpace holds with and in itself the aspiration for Research, often of solutions, but also of new challenges, in discovering paths to explore and write; how to be a technical component of high-level Stakeholder Platforms, participating in Projects and joining innovative initiatives of experimentation and analysis.
Customer satisfaction: which is the motivation of being a company and wanting to be part of the market. To satisfy the customer is to provide him or her with the support of excellency in the research and development of ever new and innovative solutions and, consequently, continuous improvement in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and, of course, quality.
With this in mind, the company offers functional, integrated, customizable and implementable products aimed at supporting Self-service Business Intelligence, the satisfaction of which is constantly monitored, in the management of all its steps in DocSpace, from the first meeting to the achievement of agreed goals, to the opening of new opportunities and new services.

Corporate management has identified goals to pursue and on which to set management choices:

Consolidation of the Brand and reputation in the market, thus: increasing sales and customers, turnover, recognition in the territory and opening to the outside world, through the exploration of new scenarios and new sectors;
Consolidation of ongoing customer relationships through communication, offering new solutions, and being present and available in service and support;
Setting and monitoring and achieving budget goals;
Increasing of employment level;
Employee training, including by actively and proactively joining and participating in meetings, briefings, high-level working tables, project challenges, and multi-sector and multidisciplinary collaborations;
Increasing the level of customer satisfaction;
Partnership agreements in open collaborations;
Fairness in maintaining explicit and implicit contractual commitments;
Customer support with continuously developing and updating techniques, with constant training to support business management and operations, in terms of customer support;
Compliance with environmental and workplace safety regulations;
Respect for workers’ rights;
Awareness raising of all employees on Risk Analysis methodologies;
Awareness raising of all employees on data protection and data safeguards.
Evaluation and monitoring of these objectives will be carried out informally and dialogically, for relevance, to customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Training and information activities will also be planned for staff at all levels.Non-conformities found will be subject to internal comparisons and corrective actions, possibly communicated externally with the appropriate tools defined by the appropriate communication tools chosen.

Training and information activities will also be planned for staff at all levels.

By achieving these goals, DocSpace aims to consolidate and strengthen a company that is strongly focused on customers, the market and emerging opportunities. For this it also becomes a sentinel capable of perceiving specific needs in the area, and thus intends to increase the effectiveness of its market presence.